1. What kind of liquid you will measure ?
2. What is the diameter of the pipe measured ? What is the pipe material ?
3. Is the pipe always full or not full water ?
4. What is the min. and max. process temperature of your application ?
5. Confirm flow meter type, do you need clamp on, inline or insertion ? For clamp on flow meter, do you require wall-mounted flow meter for permanet flow monitor , portable or handheld battery operated flow meter for short-term flow monitor ? For battery operated flow meter, how long battery flow meter you asked can work for ?
6. What is the power supply ? 85-265VAC ? 12-24VDC ? Or Solar power supply ?
7. What is your output requirement ? Such as 4-20mA analog , digital RS485 Modbus (RTU), datalogger, pulse(OCT), RS232, NB-IOT, etc .
8. What is the minimum and maximum flow rate for the flow meter?
9. What is the minimum and maximum flow velocity?
10. Is there a length of straight pipe away from bends and pipe disturbances?
Post time: Dec-09-2022