Ultrasonic Flow Meters

20+ Years Manufacturing Experience

How do Ultrasonic flow meter compare to electromagnetic flow meter?

It mains reflected in below aspects.

1. The flow measurement for Electomagnetic flow meter is asked to the measured liquid must be conductive.Magnetic flow meter has a minimum amount of conductivity that the media must posses to operate correctly, it is not with the ability to measure non conductive liquids. For many non-conductive medias, it is not compatible with the technology of magnetic flow meter, but ultrasonic flow meter doesn’t have this limit, it is compatible with ultrasonic technology flow meter.

2. The cost of electromagnetic flow meter for large diameter pipe is very high. Ultrasonic flowmeter’s cost is not affected by pipeline diameter. Both of them doesn’t require moving parts and no mintenance.

3.  In general, electromagnetic flow meter’s accuracy is higher than ultrasonic flow meter’s.  Ultrasonic flow meter can deliver exceptional turndown ratio and can handle a wide span of different flow rates within a single application. If the flow rate of your application varies widely, an ultrasonic flow meter may be a better option.

4. Ultrasonic flow meter can acheive non contact flow measurement, whereas, electromagnetic flow meter is not clamp on type and can’t do non-contact liquid flow measurement.

Post time: Mar-24-2023

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